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  • Writer's pictureEthan Yuan

Research and Development Trends of Battery Underground Loaders

Part 1 Background Analysis of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction for Electric Underground Loader

With the increasing scarcity of energy resources and worsening environmental pollution problems worldwide, energy conservation and emission reduction have become the focus of global attention. As one of the important equipment in mining and construction fields, electric underground loaders have high energy consumption and emission amplification, which makes it of great significance to carry out energy-saving and emission reduction transformation. This article will analyze the background of energy conservation and emission reduction of electric underground loaders from the following aspects.

1、 Emission reduction demand under environmental pressure

In recent years, global climate change and air pollution have attracted widespread social attention. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global carbon dioxide emissions reached 3.31 billion tons in 2018, an increase of 1.7% from 2017. Among them, industrial production and transportation are the main reasons for the increase in carbon emissions. In this context, electric underground loaders, as the main force in mining and construction, have enormous potential for energy conservation and emission reduction.

2、 Promotion of national policies

In order to address environmental issues and promote sustainable development, governments around the world have introduced a series of relevant policies to encourage the research and application of energy-saving and emission reduction technologies. For example, the Chinese government released the "Made in China 2025" plan in 2015, which clearly proposed the direction of accelerating the development of green manufacturing and listed new energy vehicles, energy conservation, and new energy equipment manufacturing as strategic emerging industries. In addition, the EU has also established strict environmental regulations and standards, requiring the reduction of vehicle exhaust emissions and noise pollution.

3、 The transformation of market demand

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection in society, the demand for environmentally friendly products from consumers and businesses is also gradually increasing. According to statistics, the compound growth rate of China's electric forklift market has exceeded 20% in the past five years, and it is expected that the market size will reach 60 billion yuan by 2025. This indicates that the market demand for electric handling equipment is gradually expanding, and electric underground loaders, as an important component, are expected to gain greater development space in the future.

4、 The driving force of technological progress

In recent years, significant progress has been made in key core technologies such as battery technology and motor control technology. The energy density of lithium-ion batteries has increased from about 100Wh/kg ten years ago to the current 200-300Wh/kg, and is still on the rise. Meanwhile, the development of motor drive technology has also provided more efficient and stable power output for electric underground loaders. These technological advancements provide strong technical support for the research and development of electric underground loaders.

5、 Consideration of economic benefits

In addition to environmental and policy factors, economy is also an important reason for the promotion of electric underground loaders. Compared to traditional fuel powered underground loaders, electric underground loaders have significant advantages in operating costs. Firstly, as a relatively inexpensive energy source, electricity can significantly reduce operating costs; Secondly, electric underground loaders also have lower maintenance costs because they do not have the complex mechanical structure and components such as filters and spark plugs that need to be replaced regularly like internal combustion engines.

In summary, due to factors such as environmental pressure, policy promotion, market demand, and technological progress, electric underground loaders are facing a good development opportunity. In the future, we look forward to seeing more technological innovations and market expansion to achieve greater breakthroughs in energy conservation and emission reduction for electric underground loaders.

Part Two: Exploration of Energy Consumption Issues of Existing Underground Loader

1、 Introduction

With the rapid development of the social economy, energy consumption is gradually increasing, and environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious. Among them, energy consumption of industrial equipment is one of the important reasons for environmental pollution and resource waste. Underground loader, as a commonly used engineering machinery equipment, is widely used in mining, construction and other fields, and its energy consumption has attracted much attention.

This article will delve into the energy consumption issues of existing underground loaders and propose corresponding development plans for electric underground loaders in conjunction with energy-saving and emission reduction goals.

2、 Energy consumption analysis of existing underground loaders

1. Energy types and usage

At present, the mainstream underground loaders in the market mainly use diesel engines as the power source. Due to the high thermal efficiency and good power performance of diesel engines, they are widely used in various types of underground loaders. However, diesel engines generate a large amount of exhaust emissions during operation, including harmful substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM), which have a significant impact on the environment.

In addition, with the increasing depletion of oil resources and price fluctuations, diesel costs have become a major expense in underground loader operations. According to statistics, the fuel cost of underground loaders accounts for about 40% of the total operating costs. For mining enterprises, reducing energy consumption has become one of the key factors in improving economic efficiency and achieving sustainable development.

2. Energy consumption characteristics and cause analysis

The energy consumption of underground loaders mainly includes three parts: mechanical energy loss, thermal energy loss, and energy loss caused by vehicle accessory loads.

Mechanical energy loss mainly refers to the energy loss caused by the movement resistance of the bucket during excavation, loading, transportation, and unloading processes. This part of energy loss is closely related to factors such as the design parameters and operating conditions of the working device.

Thermal energy loss is caused by the underutilization of heat generated during the combustion process of internal combustion engines. The thermal efficiency of diesel engines is usually between 35% and 45%, with most of the heat being emitted into the atmosphere in the form of exhaust gas, while the remaining energy is used to drive the vehicle.

The energy loss caused by vehicle accessory loads includes the power supply required by auxiliary equipment such as lighting, air conditioning, and hydraulic systems during operation. Although these devices are not directly involved in the shoveling work, they also consume some of the power output from the engine.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the existing underground loaders have problems such as low energy utilization, high pollution emissions, and high operating costs. To address these issues, this article proposes a development plan for an electric underground loader aimed at achieving energy-saving and emission reduction goals.

3、 Development Plan for Electric Underground Loader

1. Advantages of electric technology

Compared to traditional diesel underground loaders, electric underground loaders have a series of advantages:

-Energy saving and environmental protection: The electric underground loader is powered by batteries and has no exhaust emissions, which is in line with the development trend of green and environmental protection.

-Efficient and energy-saving: The efficiency of electric motors can reach over 90%, far higher than the efficiency level of diesel engines, which helps to reduce energy consumption.

-Easy maintenance:

Part Three: Design Concept and Objectives of Electric Underground Loader

1、 Design concept of electric underground loader

The design concept of electric underground loader is mainly based on the following aspects:

1. Energy conservation and emission reduction: Reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution while ensuring production efficiency. Adopting an efficient electric drive system to replace traditional internal combustion engines, reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, and achieving green mining construction.

2. Efficient operation: Improve the operational efficiency and stability of the equipment, ensuring stable operational capabilities even under complex working conditions.

3. Safety and reliability: Ensure the safety of operators and the stable operation of equipment, strengthen equipment safety protection measures, and improve equipment's fault self diagnosis ability.

4. Convenient maintenance: Optimize equipment structure and process flow, shorten maintenance time, and reduce maintenance costs.

5. Intelligent control: Applying advanced information technology and intelligent technology to achieve remote monitoring, fault warning, data analysis and other functions of equipment, improving the automation level and management efficiency of equipment.

2、 Design goal of electric underground loader

The main design objectives of the electric underground loader are as follows:

1. Energy efficiency: Through efficient electric drive technology and energy recovery systems, the energy utilization rate is increased to over 90%, saving over 30% energy compared to traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders.

2. Environmentally friendly: The electric underground loader has no exhaust emissions during use, low noise, and meets strict environmental standards.

3. Operational performance: Maintain stable operational capability and high productivity under different working conditions, with a maximum climbing slope of 30% and a maximum driving speed of 40km/h.

4. Safety: Compliant with national and industry related safety standards, equipped with comprehensive alarm and protection systems to enhance equipment safety.

5. Maintainability: Modular design facilitates disassembly and assembly, using long-life maintenance free components to reduce maintenance costs and downtime.

6. Intelligence level: It has real-time monitoring, data collection, and intelligent analysis functions, supporting remote management and fault diagnosis.

In summary, the design concept and goal of the electric underground loader is to create an energy-saving, emission reducing, efficient, safe, and intelligent mining equipment to address increasingly severe environmental issues and continuously improve mining production efficiency requirements. Through technological innovation and practical exploration, electric underground loaders are expected to become one of the mainstream equipment in the future mining industry.

Part Four: Research on the Power System Design of Electric Underground Loader

As an important mining equipment, the energy-saving and emission reducing performance of electric underground loaders is of great significance for environmental protection and energy utilization. Therefore, in the design process of electric underground loaders, optimizing the power system is one of the key links.

1、 Overview of Electric Underground Loader Power System

The power system of an electric underground loader mainly includes three parts: battery, motor, and controller. Among them, as the energy source of the electric underground loader, the performance of the battery directly affects the working efficiency and endurance of the electric underground loader; The motor converts the electrical energy of the battery into mechanical energy and drives the electric underground loader to work; The controller is the control center of the entire power system, responsible for coordinating the work of the battery, motor, and related sensors.

2、 Selection and optimization of electric underground loader battery

The selection of batteries is crucial in the power system of electric underground loaders. The commonly used battery types currently include lead-acid batteries, nickel hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries, etc. Among them, lithium-ion batteries have gradually become the mainstream choice for electric underground loaders due to their high energy density and long cycle life.

To improve the endurance and efficiency of electric underground loaders, the following methods can be used for battery optimization:

1. Choose high-capacity, high-energy density lithium-ion batteries to increase the total power of the battery pack and improve the range;

2. Real time monitoring of the battery status through an intelligent management system, adjusting the battery's working mode and charging strategy according to work needs, avoiding excessive discharge or charging, and extending the battery's service life;

3. On the premise of ensuring battery safety, appropriately increase the voltage level of the battery pack, reduce the current intensity, and minimize line losses.

3、 Selection and optimization of electric underground loader motor

The motor of electric underground loader generally adopts AC asynchronous motor or permanent magnet synchronous motor. Permanent magnet synchronous motors have higher power density and efficiency, but the cost is relatively high. Therefore, in practical applications, suitable motor types can be selected based on specific operating conditions and budgets.

In terms of motor optimization, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Based on the working characteristics of the electric underground loader, select the matching motor model and parameters to ensure that the motor can meet the operational requirements of the electric underground loader;

2. Improve the control accuracy and response speed of the motor to achieve more precise speed and torque control;

3. Strengthen the heat dissipation design of the motor, effectively reduce the motor temperature, and improve the working stability and service life of the motor.

4、 Design and Optimization of Electric Underground Loader Controller

The controller of the electric underground loader is responsible for coordinating the work of the battery, motor, and related sensors, and is the control center of the entire power system. In terms of controller design and optimization, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Adopt advanced control algorithms such as vector control, direct torque control, etc. to achieve more efficient and stable power output;

2. Add fault detection and protection functions to ensure that the electric underground loader can work normally under various working conditions;

3. Adopting modular design, simplifying the controller structure, improving reliability, and facilitating maintenance and upgrades.

5、 Conclusion

Through the design and research of the power system of the electric underground loader, it can be seen that in order to achieve the energy-saving and emission reduction goals of the electric underground loader, comprehensive optimization must be carried out from three aspects: battery, motor, and controller. In the future development, with the advancement of battery technology and the research and development of new motors, the power system of electric underground loaders will become more advanced and energy-efficient, providing strong support for the sustainable development of the mining industry. With the continuous strengthening of environmental policies and the increasing awareness of energy conservation and emission reduction, electric underground loaders, as a green and efficient transportation tool, are gradually being widely used in various fields such as mining and transportation. The selection and optimization of battery technology is one of the key links in the development of electric underground loaders.

This article will provide a detailed introduction to the methods and strategies for selecting and optimizing electric underground loader battery technology, in order to provide reference for researchers in related fields.

1. Selection of battery technology

At present, the mainstream electric underground loader battery technologies in the market mainly include lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries. Below, we will analyze and compare these two battery technologies separately.

(1) Lithium ion battery

Lithium ion batteries have the advantages of high energy density, long cycle life, and low self discharge rate, making them suitable for the needs of electric underground loaders. According to different application scenarios and technical requirements, lithium-ion batteries can be further divided into various types such as lithium iron phosphate batteries, lithium manganese oxide batteries, ternary lithium batteries, etc.

Lithium iron phosphate batteries have attracted industry attention for their excellent safety performance and stability, but their energy density is relatively low, making them unsuitable as a power source for high-performance electric underground loaders.

Lithium manganese oxide batteries have high energy density and moderate price, but their cycle life is relatively short, which may require frequent battery replacement and increase usage costs.

Ternary lithium batteries have outstanding performance in energy density and cycle life, and are currently one of the most widely used battery technologies for electric underground loaders.

(2) Lead acid battery

Lead acid batteries are a traditional battery technology with advantages such as low cost and easy recycling. However, due to its low energy density, slow charging speed, and short cycle life, it can no longer meet the high efficiency and performance requirements of modern electric underground loaders.

In summary, considering the working environment, power requirements, and long-term economic viability of electric underground loaders, it is recommended to choose ternary lithium batteries as the main battery technology for electric underground loaders.

2. Battery system design

In order to improve the comprehensive performance of electric underground loaders, we need to optimize the battery system from the following aspects:

(1) Thermal management plan: Due to the large amount of heat generated by the battery during operation, without effective heat dissipation measures, it may lead to a decrease in battery performance or even safety accidents. Therefore, a reasonable thermal management plan is crucial for ensuring the stable operation of the battery system. Usually, liquid cooling, air cooling, or natural cooling are used to dissipate heat from batteries.

(2) Safety protection measures: To prevent abnormal situations such as overcharging, overdischarging, and short circuits of the battery, corresponding safety protection devices should be installed. At the same time, the Battery Management System (BMS) can also monitor the status of the battery in real time, ensuring that it operates under optimal working conditions and providing timely feedback to users.

(3) Optimization of charging strategy: A reasonable charging strategy can effectively extend the service life of the battery and improve overall work efficiency. Fine management of charging time, power, and other aspects can be achieved through algorithm optimization, intelligent scheduling, and other methods.

(4) Structural layout design: In order to reduce space occupation and improve the overall compactness of the structure, the layout of the battery pack should be as reasonable as possible. For example, battery layout schemes such as flat, stacked, or split can be adopted based on the specific model and usage conditions of the vehicle.

Through the optimization design in the above aspects, we can effectively improve the reliability and durability of the electric underground loader battery system, thereby further enhancing the cost-effectiveness of the entire machine.

3. Actual case analysis

A mining company has successfully developed an electric underground loader based on ternary lithium battery technology. The car adopts an efficient and energy-saving design concept, equipped with an advanced battery management system, which can achieve efficient and stable operation in complex working conditions.

Through data collection and analysis of actual operating conditions, the results show that the average energy consumption of this electric underground loader under full load conditions is only 1/5 of that of traditional fuel underground loaders, greatly reducing operating costs; Meanwhile, its continuous working time has also increased by about 20% compared to similar products, fully demonstrating the superiority of electric underground loaders.


This article introduces that the electric shovel control system is a key link in the development process of energy-saving and emission reducing electric underground loaders, which plays a decisive role in the overall vehicle performance, safety, and reliability. This article will introduce the design ideas, main functions, and implementation methods of the electric underground loader electronic control system.

1、 Design concept

When designing the electric underground loader control system, we follow the following principles:

1. Highly integrated: By adopting modular design concepts, various subsystems are efficiently integrated to reduce system complexity and failure rates.

2. Strong real-time performance: The electronic control system needs to monitor and control various parameters of the vehicle in real time to ensure stable and reliable operation.

3. Precise control: In order to achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction, we need to precisely control parameters such as motor speed and battery charging status.

4. Good scalability: Considering possible future technological upgrades and functional expansion needs, the electronic control system should have good scalability.

2、 Main functions

The electric underground loader electronic control system mainly includes the following functions:

1. Motor control: The electronic control system can accurately control the working state of the electric motor according to the driver's instructions, including functions such as starting, accelerating, decelerating, braking, etc.

2. Battery management: Monitor battery voltage, current, temperature and other information, and arrange charging and discharging strategies reasonably to extend battery life and ensure driving safety.

3. Energy recovery: Through the electronic control system, energy is automatically recovered when the vehicle decelerates or goes downhill, converted into electrical energy and stored in the battery to improve energy utilization efficiency.

4. Fault diagnosis: Real time monitoring of the operating status of each subsystem, quickly locating the fault point when abnormalities occur, and facilitating timely maintenance.

5. Remote monitoring: Through the vehicle communication module, remote data transmission and monitoring are achieved, providing convenience for vehicle management and maintenance.

3、 Implementation method

In order to meet the above functional requirements, we have adopted the following technical means in the design process of the electric underground loader electronic control system:

1. Microprocessor based controller: High performance microprocessors are used as the core control unit to achieve real-time calculation and control of various vehicle parameters.

2. CAN bus communication: Using CAN bus technology to achieve communication between subsystems, improving data transmission speed and stability.

3. Digital signal processing: Using digital signal processing technology to accurately analyze data input from various sensors, providing a basis for decision-making in electronic control systems.

4. Optimization of control algorithm: Continuously optimize the control algorithm based on the actual working conditions and usage environment of the vehicle to achieve the best control effect.

5. Security protection mechanism: Set up multiple security protection measures, such as overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent, short circuit protection, etc., to prevent unexpected situations in the system.

In summary, the development and integration of electric underground loader electronic control system is one of the key technologies to achieve energy-saving and emission reduction goals. By implementing functions such as motor control, battery management, energy recovery, and fault diagnosis, we can effectively improve the performance, safety, and reliability of electric underground loaders, thereby promoting the development of the entire industry. Part 7: Structural Design and Lightweight Improvement of Electric Underground Loader

With the increasing global awareness of environmental protection and the promotion of green and sustainable development, energy conservation and emission reduction have become important trends in the development of industrial vehicles. As an important equipment in mining, construction and other fields, electric underground loaders have attracted much attention for their performance in energy conservation and emission reduction. This article will explore the structural design and lightweight improvement of electric underground loaders.

1、 Structural Design of Electric Underground Loader

The electric underground loader is mainly composed of an electric motor, a drive system, a vehicle body, a walking mechanism, a working device, and other parts. The electric motor is the power source of the electric underground loader, responsible for providing power; The drive system is responsible for converting the electrical energy generated by the electric motor into mechanical energy and transmitting it to the tires or tracks through the walking mechanism, thereby achieving the movement of the vehicle; The vehicle body is used for loading goods and also serves as the installation carrier for the cab and electrical system; The working device mainly includes a bucket and a rotary mechanism, which are used to complete excavation, transportation, and unloading work.

In terms of structural design, electric underground loaders should have the following characteristics:

1. Electric motor: Choose high-efficiency, high power density, low-noise permanent magnet synchronous motor or AC asynchronous motor to ensure sufficient power output and good operating performance.

2. Drive system: Adopting efficient planetary gearbox and wet multi plate clutch to improve transmission efficiency and reliability.

3. Body: Made of high-strength steel materials, the structure is optimized through finite element analysis to improve load-bearing capacity and stiffness, while reducing weight.

4. Walking mechanism: Select suitable tires or tracks according to the working conditions, optimize the design of suspension and steering systems to improve driving stability and handling.

5. Working device: Adopting a large capacity and high-strength bucket, and optimizing the design of the rotary mechanism to improve work efficiency and reliability.

2、 Lightweight improvement of electric underground loader

In order to further reduce energy consumption and improve battery life, electric underground loaders still need to undergo lightweight improvements. Here are several commonly used lightweight technologies:

1. Material selection: Lightweight materials such as aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy are used instead of traditional steel materials to reduce the weight of the vehicle body and working equipment.

2. Structural optimization: Optimize the structure of the vehicle body and working equipment through finite element analysis to reduce wall thickness and the number of reinforcing ribs, thereby reducing weight.

3. Fine design: Adopting the concept of fine design, such as optimizing pipeline layout, reducing the number of connectors, etc., to reduce the quality of non functional components.

4. Modular design: Divide the vehicle body and working devices into multiple modules, using a unified standard interface for easy disassembly and maintenance, as well as convenient replacement of different models of components to adapt to different working conditions.

Through the above methods, electric underground loaders can significantly reduce weight, improve energy efficiency and endurance, thereby better meeting the requirements of energy conservation and emission reduction.

In summary, the structural design and lightweight improvement of electric underground loaders are of great significance for achieving energy conservation and emission reduction. In future development, we should continue to explore new technologies and methods, continuously optimize the design of electric underground loaders, in order to achieve more efficient, environmentally friendly, and economical use while ensuring operational performance. Part 8 Performance Testing and Data Analysis of Electric Underground Loader

In order to verify the performance of energy-saving and emission reducing electric underground loaders in practical applications, this study conducted extensive testing and data analysis. The following are detailed research results.

1. Power system testing

The power system of the electric underground loader is driven by an efficient motor and powered by a high-performance battery pack. We conducted detailed tests on the efficiency, endurance, and acceleration performance of the power system.

(1) Efficiency testing: We conducted a series of efficiency tests on the power system of the electric underground loader under both full load and no-load conditions. The results show that under full load operation, the power system efficiency of the electric underground loader is as high as 92%, far higher than that of traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders.

(2) Endurance test: To evaluate the endurance of the electric underground loader, we measured its continuous working time under standard operating conditions. The test results show that the electric underground loader can work continuously for more than 8 hours when fully charged, meeting the needs of long-term operation in underground mines.

(3) Acceleration performance test: We also compared the acceleration performance of electric underground loaders with traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders. The results show that the electric underground loader only takes 5 seconds to accelerate from 0-40km/h, which is about 30% faster than the internal combustion engine underground loader.

2. Energy saving effect test

The main advantage of electric underground loaders is their significant energy-saving effect. To quantify this advantage, we compared the energy consumption of electric underground loaders and traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders under the same operating conditions.

The test results show that under the same workload and environmental conditions, the energy consumption of electric underground loaders is only one-third of that of traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders. This indicates that electric underground loaders have very high energy efficiency and can effectively reduce operating costs.

3. Environmental Benefit Analysis

In addition to energy-saving effects, electric underground loaders also reduce emissions and pollution. We use advanced air quality monitoring equipment to monitor the real-time emissions of pollutants from electric underground loaders during operation.

The results indicate that electric underground loaders produce almost no harmful gas emissions during operation, which is significantly better than traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders. This is of great significance for improving the air quality and protecting the environment in underground mines.

4. Conclusion

Through performance testing and data analysis of the electric underground loader, we have drawn the following conclusions:

(1) The power system of the electric underground loader exhibits efficient performance, strong endurance, and good acceleration performance.

(2) Compared to traditional internal combustion engine underground loaders, the economic and environmental benefits assessment of electric shovel electric underground loaders has become an important issue of concern in today's society with the increasing awareness of environmental protection, and energy conservation and emission reduction. As one of the commonly used equipment in the mining and engineering fields, the economic and environmental benefits assessment of electric underground loaders has important practical significance. This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of electric underground loaders from the following aspects.

Firstly, the economic benefits of electric underground loaders are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Reduced operating costs: Compared to traditional fuel powered underground loaders, electric underground loaders do not require fuel consumption during operation and only need to be charged regularly. According to actual data, the electricity cost of electric underground loaders is only 30% -40% of the fuel cost of similar fuel underground loaders. This greatly reduces the total operating cost of electric underground loaders throughout their lifecycle.

2. Reduced maintenance costs: The structure of the electric underground loader is relatively simple, with fewer mechanical components, which reduces the failure rate and maintenance costs. Meanwhile, the electric underground loader uses an electric drive system without complex components such as fuel engines, making daily maintenance and upkeep more convenient and efficient.

3. Improve work efficiency: Electric underground loaders, due to the use of advanced electric technology and intelligent control systems, can achieve efficient and stable operations, improve production efficiency, and further enhance economic benefits.

Secondly, the environmental benefits of electric underground loaders are also significant:

1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Electric underground loaders do not produce exhaust emissions during operation, reducing the emission of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which is beneficial for mitigating the trend of global climate change.

2. Reduce noise pollution: The noise level of electric underground loaders is significantly lower than that of fuel underground loaders, especially in enclosed spaces such as underground mines, which can effectively improve the working environment and protect the health rights and interests of workers.

3. Resource conservation: Electric underground loaders use clean energy and do not rely on non renewable resources such as oil, which is in line with the concept of sustainable development.

In summary, electric underground loaders not only have significant economic benefits, but also perform well in environmental protection. With the development of technology and the growth of market demand, the application of electric underground loaders will become increasingly widespread. However, in the process of promoting electric underground loaders, various factors such as equipment procurement costs, battery life, and recycling issues need to be fully considered, and corresponding policies and measures should be formulated to ensure that the dual advantages of electric underground loaders in terms of economy and environment are fully utilized.

With the gradual promotion of environmental policies and the continuous optimization of energy structure, electric underground loaders, as important equipment for energy conservation and emission reduction, have broad application prospects in mining, ports, logistics and other fields.

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